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AI Tool Recommendations

With the rapid development of chatgpt and various AI tools, the AI era has officially arrived. Here are some AI tools that I think are quite good. Some are free, some are open source, and some are paid. You can choose according to your own needs, most of which require magic. The symbol 💰️ represents paid, 🆓 represents free, 🌍️ represents online, 🗂️ represents local, and 🪄 represents magic.

chatgpt (💰️🌍️🪄)#

  • Introduction: chatgpt can be said to be the hottest AI application recently. There are also many mirror sites of chatgpt on the market. It is the AI that impresses me the most in terms of functionality. Here I share the original website and some mirror sites.
  • Purpose: Conversational AI
  • Usage: Online usage
  • Official website:
  • Mirror site directory:

hugging face (🆓🌍️🗂️)#

  • Introduction: An open-source alternative to chatgpt, where you can find many pre-trained models that can be used directly.
  • Purpose: Conversational AI
  • Usage: Online usage
  • Official website:

claude (🆓🌍️🗂️🪄)#

  • Introduction: Currently a free application similar to chatgpt, requires Slack, personally I feel it's not very user-friendly.
  • Purpose: Conversational AI
  • Usage: Usage within Slack
  • Official website:

midjourney (💰️🌍️🪄)#

  • Introduction: A paid AI drawing tool, one of the two mainstream AI drawing tools, considered the most powerful at present.
  • Purpose: AI drawing
  • Usage: Usage within Discord
  • Official website:

stable diffusion (🆓🗂️)# (🆓💰️🌍️)#

  • Introduction: A website for AI drawing that I personally think is very good. Free users can get 250 coins per day, and one coin can generate one image.
  • Purpose: AI drawing
  • Usage: Online usage
  • Official website: (🆓💰️🌍️)#

  • Introduction: A very nice AI background removal website in my opinion, the free version has limitations on saving image size.
  • Purpose: AI background removal
  • Usage: Online usage
  • Official website: (🆓🌍️)#

  • Introduction: A super nice free AI image removal website, currently there are no restrictions on usage.
  • Purpose: AI image removal, AI erasing, etc.
  • Usage: Online usage
  • Official website:

稿定 ai (🆓💰️🌍️)#

  • Introduction: An AI tool developed by Gao Ding Design in China.
  • Purpose: AI drawing, AI design, etc.
  • Usage: Online usage
  • Official website:

upscayl (🆓🗂️)#

  • Introduction: A local open-source AI upscaling software, very useful.
  • Purpose: AI upscaling
  • Usage: Local usage
  • Official website:
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