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Recommended Note-taking Applications

For note-taking applications, my principle has always been to be easy to use, avoid unnecessary complications, and allow for quick recording. If a note-taking software is too complex and requires a lot of time to set up, although it may have powerful features, it deviates from the original intention of note-taking and becomes more like a software to tinker with. Therefore, today I will share some note-taking software that I am currently using and personally find useful. The symbol 🆓 represents free, 💰️ represents paid with value-added services, and 📜 represents open source.


Shimo Document (🆓💰️)#

  • Recommendation Index: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Reason for Recommendation: Compatible with Markdown syntax, automatic saving, and most importantly, articles shared can be viewed without logging in. This is highly praised!
  • Website:

Flomo (🆓💰️)#

  • Recommendation Index: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Reason for Recommendation: A handy tool for quickly recording notes!
  • Website:

Yuque (🆓💰️)#

  • Recommendation Index: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Reason for Recommendation: Powerful editor and features, but articles shared require others to log in to access, which is a bit of a pity. Therefore, I ultimately chose Shimo Document.
  • Website:

Notion (🆓💰️)#

  • Recommendation Index: 🔥🔥🔥
  • Reason for Recommendation: Very rich in features, but a bit excessive for me. When using this software, I always feel like I'm tinkering with software rather than taking notes. Also, the synchronization in China is not very reliable.
  • Website:

Wolai (🆓💰️)#

  • Recommendation Index: 🔥🔥🔥
  • Reason for Recommendation: Same as above, but more user-friendly for Chinese users.
  • Website:


Typora (💰️)#

  • Recommendation Index: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Reason for Recommendation: It used to be the most powerful Markdown local editor in my mind, but later on, as it became a paid software and other local note-taking software also supported real-time preview, I stopped using it.
  • Website:

Obsidian (🆓💰️)#

  • Recommendation Index: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Reason for Recommendation: The ceiling of my ideal local note-taking software. If you want to use it normally, it is easy to get started. If you want advanced features, it can also meet your needs. It is a very user-friendly software for both ordinary and advanced users.
  • Website:

Siyuan Note (🆓💰️📜)#

  • Recommendation Index: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Reason for Recommendation: Free and open-source note-taking software with equally powerful features, but it may lag a bit if there are many notes.
  • Website:


For me, the main purpose of writing notes is to share or record things related to learning. Therefore, I don't need overly complex features, but it must meet the requirements of being multi-platform and supporting synchronization. Additionally, when sharing articles, others should be able to view them without logging in. Taking into account the experiences of the above-mentioned software, I ultimately chose Shimo Document as my main note-taking software. Of course, different people have different preferences. The most important thing is to achieve the purpose of taking notes, rather than tinkering with software and losing sight of the original goal. The above are some note-taking software recommendations from me. I hope it can help you choose a note-taking software. Thank you!

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