

👨🏻‍💻热爱开源的前端小菜鸟 | 🆓喜欢开源和白嫖 | 🐋喜欢摸鱼

Escape from Baidu, you still have these choices!

Since Baidu has made countless advertisements for profit (I don't actually reject advertisements, after all, you have to make money, but I can't accept extensive advertisements), I have decided to give up using Baidu. But at that time, when I only knew Baidu, I was in a dilemma. Besides Baidu, what other search engines could I choose? At that time, I didn't have any magical means, and my skills in web surfing were very weak, so I could only reluctantly use Baidu for many years. But now, with the improvement of my surfing skills, I have also come into contact with many search engines and have been using other search engines for a long time. Therefore, based on my user experience, I wrote this article in the hope that it can help you escape from Baidu or find a good search engine. The 🪄 symbol represents the need for magic.

Serious recommendations:#


  • Recommendation index: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Does it have advertisements: Yes
  • Recommendation reason: A search engine that can be used both domestically and internationally. The search results have been relatively accurate in my experience over the past few years. If you need an alternative to Baidu, this search engine is my top recommendation. After all, it is backed by Microsoft, so there is no need to worry about it shutting down. It can also be accessed normally in China and has fast speed.
  • Access address:


  • Recommendation index: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Does it have advertisements: No
  • Recommendation reason: Open source! Free! No ads! Supports self-deployment! Of course, it is still recommended to use the ones set up by others. It is actually an aggregated search engine where you can set up aggregations of Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc. When using it, just choose the fastest one.
  • Mirror address:


  • Recommendation index: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Does it have advertisements: Yes
  • Recommendation reason: It is claimed to be a privacy-focused search engine, and the search results are relatively accurate. You don't need to log in, and it is also the search engine I use most frequently when using 🪄.
  • Access address:
  • Recommendation index: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Does it have advertisements: Yes
  • Recommendation reason: The world's number one search engine. Although it also has advertisements, the search results, accuracy, and other aspects are excellent. It can be said to be an essential search engine for programmers (although it has now been replaced by chatgpt).
  • Access address:

F Sou#

  • Recommendation index: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Does it have advertisements: No
  • Recommendation reason: No ads, clean interface (I really like it, simple and generous), but unfortunately, the access speed is not fast for me. There is no way, it's a small workshop, and it can't be compared with big companies. But if you like simplicity, you can use it.
  • Access address:
  • Recommendation index: 🔥🔥🔥
  • Does it have advertisements: Yes
  • Recommendation reason: Another search engine that claims to focus on privacy, but personally, I have used it for a while and the search results are not ideal.
  • Access address:
  • Recommendation index: 🔥🔥🔥
  • Does it have advertisements: Yes
  • Recommendation reason: A search engine under ByteDance, but the overall user experience is not good.
  • Access address:

Not serious recommendations:#


  • Recommendation index: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Does it have advertisements: Yes
  • Is it paid: Yes (but there are free mirror sites)
  • Recommendation reason: Everyone who has used it says it's good, except that it can't access the internet and some information is outdated, it's really useful.
  • Mirror site:

Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book)#

  • Recommendation index: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Does it have advertisements: Yes
  • Is it paid: No
  • Recommendation reason: Although it is not as good as a regular search engine for formal searches, it is really useful for finding resources, places to go, what to eat, etc. Moreover, it is mostly accompanied by pictures and text, which in a sense is even better than a search engine.
  • Access address:

Brief Summary#

Actually, if you just want to find a domestic search engine that can replace Baidu and can be accessed normally, then choose Bing. If you value privacy, you can choose Searxng or DuckDuckGo. If you are surfing with 🪄, Google Search is the best choice. F Sou is suitable for those who don't like ads and prefer a clean interface. ChatGPT and Xiaohongshu are excellent choices besides regular searches. They can quickly provide you with the results or solutions you want. Actually, I don't think a single search engine is completely useful. I still recommend combining the advantages of various engines to quickly get the results you want (for example, I use the combination of Bing + ChatGPT + Xiaohongshu). Finally, I hope this article can help you escape from Baidu! 😀

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